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The Importance of Having the Right Temperament and Disposition in Business

Over the past 5 years, Shawn Khorassani has been able to work with a wide range of entrepreneurs and businesses through his work with Coras – the foundation he set up and pioneered.


This has put him in a special position to see what makes a successful leader /entrepreneur and to provide an insight into what specific attributes are needed to establish and drive a successful business.


So, in his opinion, what are the key ingredients?


“There are many management gurus and manuals that have a lot to say about successful people/business having the right people, leadership and management skills. However, there is something that you don’t often hear about and is not talked about in this particular way. These are Temperament & Disposition.”


Shawn went on to expand on what these attributes are. “Your temperament will define whether you are cut out for this game or not – surviving and prospering in business means that you have to deal with any situation that life throws at you. You cannot afford to be emotional or anger quickly when things go wrong, as they inevitably will. The key is to take a breath and look at the bigger picture.”


He believes that having the right temperament means being consistent in how you deal with difficult situations and with people. “I used to expect everyone to be like me, to think like me and to work like me – I had a lot to learn. We have to respect everyone for their differences and their own talents.”


But what about disposition, how does this fit into the business recipe?


“Having the right disposition is about having faith in your vision for the business and the future. To be a successful entrepreneur and business creator you must have the courage to take risks and take on challenges.” Humility is also an asset “Make sure that you learn everything you can from those around you and never be afraid of questioning – sometimes the simplest question is the most important one.”


Crucially, patience is vital “Do not be precious about the speed of progress or anxious about the growth of the business. If you believe that you have the right plan and the right vision then have faith it is going in the right direction.”


So can you summarize by saying that is this in your DNA?


“Yes, I think it is something that you are born with. However, if that’s not the case, it is fine and you use your talents in other areas rather than running a business – as you will not enjoy the ride!”


Perhaps the most important thing is to understand that not everyone is ready for the journey “Know yourself and understand your character first. Being successful is a long game.


All the people I have met through Coras have worked hard – success does not come overnight. It takes tenacity, patience and courage. I have had a fantastic 5 years and am privileged to have been involved with some amazing companies and some amazing people. I am looking forward to the next 5 years.”