With 20 days left, there is still time to get involved with Coras 2014
7:00 pm 1st of May, Hilton Newbury Centre Hotel
What else have we been up to in the last quarter?
Coras Partners’ Lunch
March 27th: This year’s partners’ lunch was a great success with most of the partners and sponsors in attendance. Check out the photos on Facebook.
We Do Love Kombucha
Recently, Love Kombucha, one of our finalists from last year, wrote to us: “When I stood in front of the Coras audience in May 2013, Love Kombucha was really just a seed of an idea. However, the overwhelming response I had from the attendees was so positive, that it gave me the confidence to push ahead.”
Coras on the big screen!
If you followed us on You-Tube you would have noticed the new videos we launched this year for all the people attending or wanting to learn more about us.
It could be yours, remember it only comes once a year and will open up so many doors for you. Check the testimonials from last year.