All posts tagged entrepreneur

Who is driving your car?

As a business leader you drive the car,  set the destination and direction but that is just the start…


Shawn recognises this is just the beginning. “You have to be involved right through the process and have a full understanding of what is happening in the business. I believe, that to be successful you have to be the engine of the car and the oil that keeps all the parts moving well together.”


He goes on to explain that, the engine of the car is like the operational side of a business. “Essentially it pushes the car forward. It can be a dirty, tricky business but without it nothing works, the car does not move and the business does not progress. As the head of the business my involvement is crucial to moving the business forward. I have to be the engine, fully involved in what is happening on a day to day basis, understanding where we are going and making sure that the business goes in that direction.”


The danger is, however, that your head is firmly in operational mode and you do not look round to see danger signs that are happening organisationally. “This is where, I believe, that a business leader has an essential role that I liken to being the “oil” in the engine.” He goes on to explain, “As the oil, I have to make sure that all the moving parts of the engine work together, so that things do not grate and processes and people work in harmony. Only when that happens can the car, or the business, move forward smoothly and economically.”


So it sounds that the business needs regular oil checks to make sure that the parts are in harmony. “Absolutely, keeping communication channels open, making sure that people are able to approach you to let you know when there is an issue and regularly taking the temperature of the organisation is vital”.


Shawn believes that paying attention to Employee Surveys, putting time into appraisals, making sure you do exit interviews, allowing people the space to tell you what is going well and what is going now so well is key to the running of a successful business. However, more importantly, acting upon this is vital. “If the dials on your dashboard are showing that something is not running smoothly with your car, then you have to act to put it right.” The same applies to the so called “soft” indicators.


“We can all read a balance sheet, but other indicators – people’s opinions and views – will give you the underlying reasons why things may not be going in the direction you want. You ignore these at your peril. In these days, when getting the right people in the right job, is evermore difficult, we want to make sure we keep good people. Listening to them and keeping them on board is vital. Be the oil in the machine that keeps the car moving forward! Keep listening to your people and communicating to take your business forward!


So, a business leader means juggling a number of roles, setting the destination, driving forward to arrive there and making sure that the working parts move smoothly together. Is it something that Shawn enjoys, “I love my job, I love the business I have developed and the people I work with. It is incredibly rewarding to be able to work with entrepreneurs, through my involvement with Coras. I hope that my experience can help develop and support new businesses to succeed and thrive.”

The Importance of Having the Right Temperament and Disposition in Business

Over the past 5 years, Shawn Khorassani has been able to work with a wide range of entrepreneurs and businesses through his work with Coras – the foundation he set up and pioneered.


This has put him in a special position to see what makes a successful leader /entrepreneur and to provide an insight into what specific attributes are needed to establish and drive a successful business.


So, in his opinion, what are the key ingredients?


“There are many management gurus and manuals that have a lot to say about successful people/business having the right people, leadership and management skills. However, there is something that you don’t often hear about and is not talked about in this particular way. These are Temperament & Disposition.”


Shawn went on to expand on what these attributes are. “Your temperament will define whether you are cut out for this game or not – surviving and prospering in business means that you have to deal with any situation that life throws at you. You cannot afford to be emotional or anger quickly when things go wrong, as they inevitably will. The key is to take a breath and look at the bigger picture.”


He believes that having the right temperament means being consistent in how you deal with difficult situations and with people. “I used to expect everyone to be like me, to think like me and to work like me – I had a lot to learn. We have to respect everyone for their differences and their own talents.”


But what about disposition, how does this fit into the business recipe?


“Having the right disposition is about having faith in your vision for the business and the future. To be a successful entrepreneur and business creator you must have the courage to take risks and take on challenges.” Humility is also an asset “Make sure that you learn everything you can from those around you and never be afraid of questioning – sometimes the simplest question is the most important one.”


Crucially, patience is vital “Do not be precious about the speed of progress or anxious about the growth of the business. If you believe that you have the right plan and the right vision then have faith it is going in the right direction.”


So can you summarize by saying that is this in your DNA?


“Yes, I think it is something that you are born with. However, if that’s not the case, it is fine and you use your talents in other areas rather than running a business – as you will not enjoy the ride!”


Perhaps the most important thing is to understand that not everyone is ready for the journey “Know yourself and understand your character first. Being successful is a long game.


All the people I have met through Coras have worked hard – success does not come overnight. It takes tenacity, patience and courage. I have had a fantastic 5 years and am privileged to have been involved with some amazing companies and some amazing people. I am looking forward to the next 5 years.”

Shawn’s 2nd video – 5 Ways to know that you are an Entrepreneur goes live..

If you have ever wondered whether you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur then Shawn’s new video –  5 Ways to know that you are an Entrepreneur – can give you the confirmation you need. Are you a natural risk taker – who sees opportunity not problems? Or do you believe that you can do things better and make a real difference? Then, if you are not an entrepreneur perhaps you should be.

Shawn’s second video outlines, what he believes, are the key things that will make you an entrepreneur. Take 5 minutes out of your day to watch 5 Ways to know that you are an Entrepreneur – it could be the start of a whole new direction….

Video Goes Live – How to Get Rich Slowly

We trailed them before Christmas and now they are going live. The first of Shawn’s videos is now available. Shawn has an interesting story to tell. Known for his frank and honest approach to life and business, here Shawn goes into his background,  the mistakes he has made and what has led to his success so far. To view the video click here.

If there are any areas that you would like him to cover in the future – or if you have any questions on what you have seen here then please get in touch on

International Gums and Oils, the Coras 2015 winner, goes from strength to strength since the initial investment and ongoing mentoring from Coras. They are now receiving further support from from the Welsh government, Finance Wales, Xenos Investment and the South Wales Chamber of Commerce. Bangor University has chosen IGO as the first Welsh company to help them create plant products.  They are also in further talks with large cosmetic companies and are on the brink of launching a new product. Visit them on

Shawn & Dr. Ali

Shawn & Dr. Ali

Coras relocating to Newbury – in the heart of the town

After 3 great years at Greenham Park Coras has moved its offices to York House in Newbury Town Centre

Welcome to Coras’ new home at York House, London Road. While our time at Greenham Park gave us the opportunity to meet and work with some great businesses and start – ups, we are delighted to be in the town centre. We are looking forward to be right in the middle of a growing, vibrant town with massive development potential.

Look out for updates from us soon and news on our forthcoming events.

Coras Business Seminar 2016 – how you can be part of it

Coras 2016 and how you could be involved

Following the success of the Coras 2015 event in May, Coras is now looking expanding its reach beyond the traditional Newbury boundaries to work with and support new start ups and entrepreneurs in the wider Reading/Thames Valley area.

The drive for this expansion came from the reaction from Coras 2015 –  a lot of interest was expressed from businesses and organisations in the Thames Valley area in our offering given the clear dynamism and growth in Reading.

In response to this feedback, our first event will be a free business seminar aimed at new business/ entrepreneurs. We want to give businesses and organisations in Newbury and Reading the opportunity to join us to support and get involved with our target audience.

We do not want to work in isolation and are looking to form partnerships with sponsors and supporters. We are currently talking to a number of organisations to develop the seminar to ensure that it is appropriate and meaningful to the audience.

The benefit to our sponsors and supporters is:

  • Reading and the Thames Valley is a vibrant area that is developing rapidly and Coras will organise, promote and deliver a business seminar spearheaded by a successful entrepreneur
  • This will provide you with the platform to meet, network and influence this  key audience
  • We see this as an initial step and would look to develop our relationship with businesses in this area – it will be your chance to get in at the beginning of this journey.

What we want from our sponsors

  • Financial support of between £5,000 and £10,000

What we want from our supporters

  • Financial support of between £500 and £1,000

What we offer our sponsors

  1. Joint billing with Coras and association on the website for 12months
  2. 15 minute presentation at the seminar
  3. Showcasing your product and services at the seminar to include your printed material on display and to give away
  4.  Inclusion in all PR and publicity managed by Coras – including video and social media

What we offer our supporters

  1. Logo included in all material and on our website for 12 months
  2. 5 minute presentation at the seminar
  3. Showcasing your product and services at the seminar to include your printed material on display and to give away

Shawn’s Words of Wisdom from Coras 2015

Shawn’s introductory speech from Coras 2015 is now available and is vital listening for anyone who has entrepreneurial ambitions and is trying to get their business off the ground.

Shawn is an entrepreneur who has built a very successful business and now helps others realises their ambitions. Here he goes into further detail about the purpose of Coras and how it aims to support new business. He also explains what it means to be an entrepreneur , what defines an entrepreneur and the three key things common to any entrepreneur.

Click on the link below to watch the video.


Watch the 4 Min Video highlights of Coras 2015

Following the excellent feedback we had from our event this year, we are delighted to present selected highlights from Coras 2015. To access the 4 minute video click on the image to find out wha the finalists have to say about Coras, what it meant to be part of the event and how we see Coras moving forward.

The Boy looks on before the start of coras 2015!

Since the event things have been moving at some pace. As well as meeting with the finalists – and winner – of the events, we have also been making connections with organisations beyond our traditional boundaries with the aim of continuing to support and develop entrepreneurs. We will update on these developments in the future.

Share Your Story from the Night!
We have also had some very positive feedback about collaborations and networking that took place at the event. Making connections and supporting people’s aspirations is key to what drives Coras. We would love to hear from you if we were able to help you do this – we love a success story and would really like to be able to share with people how Coras may have helped you. Just contact Rhian on