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Coras 2015 has officially kicked off with the Supporter’s lunch

Coras is a platform for Shawn Khorassani to help nurture business talent and bring his years of experience to companies and individuals who have the vision to leave a lasting legacy through the creation of well-run and successful enterprises.

This is reflected in the companies that are supporting Coras this year and Shawn is delighted with the calibre and the level of support he has received. “Every year I think we cannot get better and every year the momentum seems to build. I am really excited about this year’s event because of the standard of the applicants that we have so far – and the businesses who have come on board with us – because they recognise that Coras is an excellent platform for them to grow their business and make new contacts.”

In addition to the main sponsor, Hilton, Coras draws on a wealth of experience from the team who support them year in and year out publicising and promoting the organisation – all based in Newbury. Big Print, Keep Printing and Media Fusion have been key in designing and delivering the look and feel of this year’s event.

Charles Lucas Marshall Solicitors, Advoco Solutions – an IT company based in Thatcham, Newbury Rugby Football Club and MWS Media have joined with West Berkshire Council, Thames Valley Partnership and Berkshire Media Group in recognising the value of Coras and in supporting the event.

Shawn is looking forward to selecting the winning Coras applicant on 7th May at the Hilton Newbury Centre. He says “Coras is more than just a networking event – it is an event with substance. We support new business by selecting a business that we can support and nurture. £50,000 is a lot of investment for a small business and this, together with 6 months of mentoring, can take them to the next level. The competition between our finalists on the night – when they will each give a presentation to the room – is brilliant experience for them and makes an entertaining and exciting centrepiece for our supporters and their guests. It is a great thing to be part of.”

Paul Hampson, Managing Director of Advoco Solutions said “this is the first time we have been involved with Coras and we see it as an excellent opportunity for us. We see the benefit of networking locally as we feel this is a great opportunity to make links with local businesses – as many of our contracts are further afield. It is also interesting and exciting to be involved with an organisation that is committed to new business. We were all new businesses once and benefited from people having faith in our vision and future.”

Emma Allen, Executive Director of Newbury Rugby Football Club said “Coras ticks all the boxes for us. It establishes great links with local businesses and means that we are supporting the local businesses as well. We see ourselves being very much at the heart of Newbury’s business and social life – Coras will help us do this. In the first year we were involved in a limited capacity but we are delighted to be a supporter this year.”


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