All posts tagged igoltd

Video Goes Live – How to Get Rich Slowly

We trailed them before Christmas and now they are going live. The first of Shawn’s videos is now available. Shawn has an interesting story to tell. Known for his frank and honest approach to life and business, here Shawn goes into his background,  the mistakes he has made and what has led to his success so far. To view the video click here.

If there are any areas that you would like him to cover in the future – or if you have any questions on what you have seen here then please get in touch on

International Gums and Oils, the Coras 2015 winner, goes from strength to strength since the initial investment and ongoing mentoring from Coras. They are now receiving further support from from the Welsh government, Finance Wales, Xenos Investment and the South Wales Chamber of Commerce. Bangor University has chosen IGO as the first Welsh company to help them create plant products.  They are also in further talks with large cosmetic companies and are on the brink of launching a new product. Visit them on

Shawn & Dr. Ali

Shawn & Dr. Ali